Link Climate KG data is based on the ontology of Climate Analysis(CA) ontology. It is aligned with the json data that can be required through the NOAA Web Service. In the ontology, there are two main classes: 1) Station and 2) Observation. A station is a platform that produces the climate observations and it is identfied by the geographical fators of longitude and latitude and a literal name in terms of its attributes. An observation is used to describe an observed climate feature of interest such as "Air Temperature", "Precipitation". It is usually connected with attributes, namely, the station which generates it, its observed value and the datatype which identifies the feature of interest.
Sparql Server
We use Jena Fuseki as the linked data publishing platform. The data instances are originated from the transformation process from NOAA climate data to RDF triples under the scheme of CA. The whole procedure is implemented by an ad-hoc Python script that is schedualed to run every week to send HTTP requests to NOAA to obtain the lastest one month observations both in Ireland and England. The data are exactly in line with the data provided by NOAA where the main available climate features of interest for Ireland and UK are "Air Temperature" and "Precipitation".
All URIs in our Fuseki triplestore are accessable, which means you are able to click any URIs from our sparql endpoint to have some information about the entity. This is achieved by virtue of the dereferencing tool LodView. Besides, we also configured the LodLive as part of LodView so that a visualization of data graph associated with the URIs is also available.